Emily Hanford

4/15/2024 9:03 am


At the individual, family, community, state, and national level, we need high quality information to make good decisions. That does not come from flashy headlines meant to grab our attention to boost circulation or viewership, it comes from slow, careful, high-quality investigation coupled with deep thought.


Emily Hanford is a champion in reading research. If you would like to understand the story and even get involved in spreading accurate information, this is the place to start. 





Group think and entrenchment can prevent growth and we can't allow that to impede our children's ability to learn to read. This is a problem that we can fix, one child, one community at a time. 

Nearly every child can learn to read at an average or better level. 


We must ensure this happens. Our children are inheriting problems to solve. We need to equip them and reading well and deeply is essential.


As is a recognition in the right of dignity for all.... but that is another story for another day. 

Check out the link below to learn more. Together we determine the trajectory of our evolution.